A few years ago My wife, children and I packed our bags and well everything inside of our home of 17 years and headed back to our old stomping grounds. This was not a knee jerk move, because the housing market was heating up and the time was right, but it was a God appointed move that He initiated during our yearly family fast.
17 years is a long time to live in one area. We enjoyed life in our former location and we really like the church we attended and volunteered at for nearly the same span of time. After we moved we continued to drive back and forth to the church it only took a half an hour one way.
We moved back to help with aging parents and the Lord showed us why as there were heath issues that lead to surgeries. We again sought God’s face and chose to step away from our what is now former church. It was not an easy choice to make, getting out of the boat and walking on water never is.
We then began to check out different church’s and finally landed on one. Again prayer is a great tool to lean on. So now we were at our new church and all was right with the world. Hold on, yeah about that, sorry wrong story.
The sermons and church leadership was good but my relationship with God was dulled by the shift in church’s. Just being honest. All the friends and relationships we had known for over a decade were harder to continue.
We needed to get plugged in and begin the painstaking task of finding new friends. There is no magic wand and God did not grab ahold of my wife and mine hands and walk us over to people. He did give us what we needed. My wife attended a small group and I did as well.
I had been spoiled. I had great time with my wife coaching small group leaders at the old church and now we were attending different groups at our new place of worship. God worked it out, He always does. We both met new people and got plugged in.
We have met others since that time and are now starting our own small group. We are trusting that God will grow the group according to who needs to be there and for others looking for relationships outside of their homes.
I am thankful for where God has lead us. He really does make all things new.