The Art of Rogue One A Star Wars Story



"Saw's Pilot" artist-Luke Fisher
The Art of Rogue One A Star Wars StoryOne of the better Star Wars films is Rogue One A Star Wars Story (2016). Sure it filled in the back story of the stolen Death Star plans but it was fantastic storytelling. Like all Star Wars films, Rogue One started as a story and then the art department stepped to being to shape and bring the story to life. The Art of Rogue One A Star Wars Story is one of two Art of books that offer a lot of material that never saw the light of day which is in some cases a bit sad really.

By and large Rogue One is a darker story with a predictable yet melancholy ending that leads to light (Star Wars A New Hope.) What really stands out about the film is the darker tone set up by the dark art in the book.

Krennic Shuttle Details Version 1: Artist Ryan Church
The Art of Rogue One A Star Wars StoryFor starters the movie takes place on multiple different planets all with different environments and backgrounds. While Star wars films do tend to visit different areas Rogue One really went to a bunch each more interesting the the planet before.

The droids are fantastic and many have never been seen before Rogue One, so a tip of the hat to Doug Chaing and his art department for the creativity in each unique droid brought to life from art. Director Krennic, who in a very early concept had facial scars. There is an Underworld Alien, that never made it onto the screen which is a shame. The list goes on and on.

To fully grasp the movie making process, one must take in the concept art it takes to help the finished product. The art and artists do not disappoint in the Rogue One book. While it does have a lot of art that did not make the final cut it offers the reader a chance to view it soak it in and ponder if it was the right thing to leave concept art brought to life either in or or out of the film.

"Mustafar Meditation Chamber 1" artist Ryan Church
The Art of Rogue One A Star Wars StoryThe Art of Rogue One A Star wars Story is a must have for not only Star Wars fans but movie fans and art fans as well.


Up Next: The Art of The Mandalorian.



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