Concept art lends to the visual depiction of ideas that give hope to a great film.
Star Wars and art seem like a perfect partnership. Sure the same can be said for other movies and movie franchises and art, but Star Wars is so visual that the art is part stunning and often overlooked. The Art of Star Wars books offer plenty of concepts some which are used in films and some that never see the light of a movie screen. In the series of articles to come we will go in depth of the Art of Star Wars books, starting with Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Doug Chaing who is the Senior Vice President and Executive Designer of Lucasfilm, is counted on heavily to orchestrate not only the concept art but also how it fits into a film or show. Idea’s, characters and environment’s all need to be brought to life.
Ron Howard did a solid job with the film which is vastly underrated as Doug Chaing and his team did a tremendous job with the concept art. What should and needs to be stressed is not every concept makes it’s way into the final product. But the Art of Star Wars books places many of those art drawings into the books.
It is the art that is cut that the reader either agrees with it being in the film or thinks it should have been in the film but was cut out, that is the beauty of art and film (which is a form of art.) One aspect of Solo the film is it is filmed in dulled out colors and then brighter color throughout the film.
Sometimes the art does not do the film justice and sometimes the film does not do the art justice with Star Wars, Doug Chaing and his art department nail it every time. The films are subjective to the fan as far as like/ dislike but the art is on point time and time again.
For Solo, much of the art in the book presents early stages and not the finished product although final product is shown. The is the interesting part of this book, it really shows the process. Flipping through the pages and seeing how the movie turned out is a fun adventure.
If you are a Star Wars fan or an art fan who also likes films, The Art of Solo: a Star Wars Story is a good way to introduce a very good balance to both.
Up next The Art of Rogue One A Star Wars Story