It’s coming this Sunday. Father’s Day, if your like me the celebratory day for dad’s sneaks up on you. Perhaps it is because Father’s Day comes on the heals of Memorial Day. Perhaps it is because life is busy and I and others simply lose track. Whatever the reason, there is no need to stress or freak out. If your dad is a Star Wars fan you really have time.

While T-Shirts have replaced the tie as “THE” Father’s Day gift, there are other options for dad’s. I means sure a shirt is nice. How about instead of just a T-Shirt thrown in a gift bag try maybe getting a Star Wars coffee mug and rolling the shirt up and putting it in the mug is a better presentation of your love for your dad or father figure.
What to do if dear old dad does not like coffee and has so many T-Shirt’s his dresser drawer barely closes. Maybe pick up a nice Star Wars print. This would look good in dad’s office or his mancave. If mom allows maybe even a small spot somewhere in the house. He may need to use a Jedi mind trick for that to happen.
What may make dad feel special is have a Star Wars bobblehead head made with his likeness. What you say? Is that possible? It is and it’s a pretty cool idea. While it is a little pricy, maybe a brother or sister or both can help chip in. Or take it to mom and hope the Force is with you.

AFP PHOTO PASCAL GUYOT (Photo by Pascal GUYOT / AFP) (Photo by PASCAL GUYOT/AFP via Getty Images)
If your like me then art is the way to go. Star Wars offer many different art of books. These books bring Star Wars to life in a different way. The books also offer insight to the thinking of design concepts and show the evolution of going from the drawing board to the big screen.
There are many other Star Wars gift ideas I did not even approach. So relax, you’ve got this. Get dad something he likes and show him some love.