The first Star Wars stand-alone film was Rogue One. What seemed to be a sort of weak story idea turns out to have been a wrong thought. Rogue One is one of the best Star Wars films to date. What made Rogue One a fan favorite is that the film’s story is not a new idea but built off of one from Star Wars: A New Hope, the acting was solid and the newer character’s were a fun bunch.

In Rogue One we are introduced Galen Erso who is a former scientist. Erso lives a peaceful life as a farmer. Because of his past work as a scientist the Empire chooses Erso to be it’s lead engineer on what would be the most powerful weapon the Empire had ever built, the Death Star.
Jyn Erso, daughter of Galen joined a group resistance fighters to steal the plans. The same Death Star plans that would ultimately wind up in the hands of Princess Leia who would put them into R2-D2 in Star Wars: A New Hope.
Orson Krennic, or Director Krennic was in charge of the Empire’s military department of weapon research. Krennic was unable to keep the plans for the Death Star in secrecy. Grand Moff Tarkin, insisted the project go through and decided to overtake the project from Krennic causing some discord between the two men.
The group of resistance fighters who would secure the plans to the battle station would meet a grizzly end. All did not survive. In that moment, Jy Erso, Cassian Andor, Chirrut Imwe, Bodhi Rook and others became the true hero’s of the Skywalker era portion of Star Wars.

They laid down their lives for a greater cause. There was one famous Star Wars character that made a appearance and it was stunning, Darth Vader. Vader would have a scene with Krennic and then had a much more violent moment and one that showed the Sith Lord in all of his glory.
Rogue One is a very satisfying film and set the tone for future Star Wars stand-alone movie projects.
Tomorrow, we journey to the Original Trilogy with a look at the film that kicked everything off, Star Wars. Later subtitled A New Hope. Hope to see you then.