When we last saw Boba Fett it was in Season 2 of The Mandalorian. Now the hotly anticipated Book of Boba Fett release is just around the corner (December 29) it begs to ask, will we see any favorite Star Wars characters pop up in the show? Like Luke Skywalker, Grogu or Thrawn? It would make sense if that was the case.

Luke Skywalker took Grogu at the end of Season 2, presumably to train him in the way of the Jedi. If one or both were to show up in The Book of Boba Fett it would have to fit two story lines in order to become one.
A character like Thrawn is not just a throw-in for the sake of putting someone cool into a show. For those unfamiliar with Thrawn, is along the lines of Thanos in Marvel, or the Joker in DC. In other words Thrawn is a big deal.
In fact the focus probably should lean more towards Thrawn. Simply because Ahsoka Tano was also in Season 2 of The Mandalorian. Tano would lead fights against Thrawn in Star Wars Rebels. Because Ahsoka is getting her own show and because she (if you recall) was looking for Thrawn in Season 2 it would fit the story line.
That said if Mando (The Mandalorian) did swing a deal with Fett that he would keep close tabs on Grogu as he was being trained by Luke then it is possible he also could turn up or both could when streaming starts in a couple weeks.

So here we sit waiting out the days until The Book of Boba Fett is release. All we can do is speculate and perhaps allow fandom thoughts to override our thoughts an imagination.
Star Wars allows us to do that, it’s part of the Force.