I never got into blogging for fame, fortune or awards. I got into blogging for one simple reason, to get the things in my brain out. This way I can limit the sports and Star Wars talk with my wife and children (although I do talk Star Wars with our sons.) With that in mind, I am set to embark on a new journey and wanted to break the news here because it will affect some of the content at The District. I am stopping all Star Wars content here, because I have been offered and accepted a writing position at Culture Slate.
I have been blessed writing about the NFL (Detroit Lions) and have been able to do some really cool things, such as being invited to attend the Lions Legends CampĀ another I did not set out to do.
With Culture Slate I will be bring you, the reader the best possible Star Wars content. I have to, because the site is affiliated with the “Mouse.” You know the “Mouse?” Mickey Mouse…….. Disney who happens to own the rights to Star Wars and Marvel.
I am not even going to kid you. I was both beyond excited and horrified at the same time. How does a person living in Columbus Ohio, get and interview with HR at a site that is connected with Disney? To drive home the fact that this was not a joke, Culture Slate is based in Los Angeles California.
I trust the person who interviewed me knows what they are doing. There are days I publish a blog and feel like it is not my best offering. There are some times I publish and feel pretty good about the content. This is different. This is big.

I say that and yet I feel little to no pressure and I do not even have a big ego. I must say it will be a little odd to have inside informants and get Star Wars news before anyone else while keeping it a secret but cool at the same time.
I want to thank the loyal Star Wars fans who have read my blog over the years. Please head to Culture Slate and check out my offerings there very soon. For the Detroit sports crowd, I’m still here and ready to up my writing game.