Why Palpatine actually worked in Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

Few things in life workout. Diets, getting fit, taking more walks all seem to fade away. Star Wars fans hope the same happens with the sequel trilogy. While I do agree on many points that the trilogy is, well bad, I also think it has some alright moments, such as Rey and Kylo Ren’s lightsaber duel in the snow and Luke Skywalker’s “Jedi pimp” shoulder dust off in The Last Jedi. I also happen to think that Palpatine coming back in The Rise of Skywalker worked. Here is why.

By now you know Palpatine killed his former master, Darth Plagueis. Plagueis wanted to find immortality in the worst way. Palpatine would kill Plagueis and figure out how to cheat death.

The fact that Palpatine did cheat death overshadowed most of the other characters so the story really did not end the Skywalker arc of Star Wars like fans wanted. Instead it closed Palpatine’s who suddenly took center stage.

Yet, it did work having Palpatine in the film it gave Plagueis a real backstory and allowed Palptine to be the villain Star Wars always needed but kept killing off. It also showed just how powerful the Sith Master was.

Showing up in the first few moments of The Rise of Skywalker, Palpatine had always been waiting. Biding his time and arranging things to happen how he saw fit. He did not care that Kylo Ren wanted to kill him. After all he had already died and cheated death.

This was about ending the Jedi once and for all. By this point Palpatine was bent on Sith supremacy throughout the galaxy. Again with many things wrong with the entire trilogy, this was one thing I felt and still feel was actually good.


Star Wars: Darth Plagueis

To die hard Star Wars fans they know exactly who Darth Plagueis is a Sith Lord who craved immortality. To the casual Star Wars fan they may not have the needed information on this rather pivotal character. Yet the casual fan remembers this iconic scene from Star Wars:  Revenge of the Sith………..

Plagueis, believed the secret to everlasting life laid in science. So he worked hand and hand with his apprentice, Sheev Palpatine. The two worked endlessly to be able to  manipulate midichlorians to create life.

Palpatine was hand picked by Plagueis as a human from Naboo. He felt Palpatine would be an excellent apprentice. It was under the teaching of Plagueis that Darth Sidious was born anew as a Sith.

It was during the time working together that Palpatine learned the rule of two. So that is something happened to the master there was a backup ready to step into the leader role.

What should be noted about the Sith is they crave power. Not just power but to be sole ruler and not share with anyone else. It could be possible the Palpatine knew Plagueis would come for him on Naboo and began to plan to overthrow the legendary Sith Lord early on.

Plagueis did learn the trick to life that does not end as we find in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Palpatine took the teaching and survived his own death in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

Darth Plagueis’s impact on the Star Wars universe can not be under or over stated. It started a long time ago and continues to this day in the universe. My hope is that Disney/Lucasfilm gives Plagueis his due and offers a film or streaming show.

He is such a captivating figure and has a deep reaching impact on all of Star Wars.