Embed from Getty Images Man we are an excuse making machine! Social media has been bombarded with posts, Tweets, this’s and that’s about how people “just can’t into church on the t.v.” But hold up, online and streaming church services are at an all-time high. So what is Heaven’s name is the deal?
So people who have gone to church their entire life, somehow can not do church any other way. Okay cool. My question is why not? If God’s word is important enough in person, it should be any other way you are able to receive it.
I am going to be bold for a moment. In this era of Covid-19/ social distancing, keep your cooties to yourself day, people need to get out of the norm and into a new way. Sound familiar? A man name Jesus walked the earth and and challenged people to get out of the norm and into a new way.
The battle people face is in between their ears. The mind. Then add in when we start listening to voices that tell us something is not for us, it is time to self-evaluate. The current state of the world IS NOT FROM GOD! That does not mean Christian’s should allow the devil to win and squash their joy from what the Lord has from them.
No Christian’s should be like the lady who could not stop bleeding. Fighting through just to get close and perhaps even touch Jesus. Now let me say this, a person is no less devote if they are getting the word on a screen. Let me say that again, a person is no less devote if they are getting the word on a screen.
God is still God. His word is still true. He still saves, heals, frees. Oh, did I mention if you watch on Facebook live you can leave a comment, not only that but you can be with your church family, while honoring the boarders we have been placed under.
So set you mind free! Watch and receive the word of God. I promise God will be near to you.