Detroit Pistons Reggie Jackson is enjoying a revival

Embed from Getty Images At the trade deadline rumors swirled that the Detroit Pistons were looking to move Reggie Jackson and the Pistons were  five games below .500 at the time. Jackson was thought to hold the key for Detroit.

During the first 46 games of the season, Jackson’s numbers were ho-hum to put it nicely. 14.1 points, 4.1 assists, 34 percent on 3-pointers and 40 percent on field goals. Nothing to write home about to be sure.

After a pep-talk of sorts with Blake Griffin and head coach Dwane Casey, Jackson’s confidence seemed to come back.  The Pistons are enjoying revival as a team, it seems no coincidence after Jackson picked up his play.

In the past six games, Reggie is averaging 19 points, shooting 43% on 3-pointers, with 37 assists and only five turnovers. Those numbers are  similar to his 2015-16 season, when he helped lead the Pistons to the playoffs, with 18.8 points and 6.2 assists.

Reggie Jackson had battled through some leg issues. He seems to have finally moved past the injuries and his play if reflecting what the Detroit Pistons have thought since they drafted him. Reggie Jackson can be a difference maker.

While a healthy Jackson is important equally as important is that Reggie has seen a jump in his play and production after he was paired alongside Blake Griffin. While the pairing has not always gone smoothly, it has improved of late.

Injuries gone Reggie Jackson has no restrictions. He can play a more up tempo game. The Pistons are at their best when Reggie is shooting the ball. Casey has spoken to Jackson about shooting more and passing less.

The success of the Pistons rides in large part on Reggie Jackson’s shoulders. When he is healthy, when he is locked in Detroit is a dangerous basketball team.

When is is less than 110%, when he passes too many times, when he does not take open shots, the Detroit Pistons suffer. His play lately has come a a key time. During the stretch run and possible playoff run.

Detroit Pistons further proof

Embed from Getty Images I have given my feelings on the need for a bench leader for the Detroit Pistons. To me this is the nail in the coffin. Simply put excuses bring everyone down.


Excuses, excuses if there is one thing I absolutely can not stand it is excuses! A couple of days ago Pistons head coach Stan Van Gundy said the Detroit season would have been totally different if Reggie Jackson was healthy the whole season.


I have to admit I was fuming at this statement. Exactly why would the leader of a team say if a player did not have an injury or two the season would have been different? To me he was trying to get out of doing a good job by this remark.


Why would Van Gundy not say what every quality head coach has ever said “injuries are part of the game. We need other guys to step up?” Anything other than blaming one players injury to dooming the entire team.


To me this is yet another reason Stan must go. If he were truly a good coach he would have come up with solutions and not excuses. Every team has injuries. Yet the Pistons coach tells the media this was the dagger in the entire season.


It wares fans down. I can not help but think it wares Detroit Pistons owner Tom Gores down as well.