Embed from Getty Images It was never meant to fit into a trilogy. It was the first real Star Wars stand alone. Yet, it was not well received. That does not change the fact Solo a Star Wars story is a fun break from the same old, same old.
Much was made of the director switch early in production. Ron Howard, was brought in and made a solid piece of art. Which is no small task given the movie that was involved.
Alden Ehrenreich, was fine as the lead Han Solo. One thing that bothered me was how he received his last name. From and empire employee. Just did not sit well with me.
Emilia Clarke as the love beauty Qi’ra delivered a solid performance. She seemed to fit with other Star Wars leading ladies very well. Woody Harrelson was a veteran actor who brought stability to the film as did Dydren Vos who was portrayed by Paul Pettany.
The greatest acting job came from Donald Glover. Lando Calrissian, came to life in a young fun ways. He really became a young Billy Dee Williams. Other than an awkward moment where he seemed to treat his droid shutting down like his girlfriend. Glover was fantastic.
I don not want the same settings in my Star Wars films. I want new. New locations, new ships, new characters. Yes this had characters we have all come to love and know. But in a new light.
The film was interesting as it felt like we knew what was going on but we did not. The story was sort of ho-hum. But where the story lacked. The acting carried it.
I went into the film not knowing anything. I walked out feeling good. Not great like “The Force Awakens.” But, good. Better than I thought I would.
If there are more stand-alone films. They should look to Solo as a blueprint. Star Wars fans would rather a solid film than mass produced junk. As a Star Wars fan I would rather a film every two years. Not one right after another.