Veteran Star Wars actor Temuera Morrison who in the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy portrayed Bounty Hunter (and clone templet) Jango Fett and now stars on The Mandalorian as fan favorite Boba Fett. The character is returning this December in the hotly anticipated Book of Boba Fett on Disney +. Morrison gave a hint at what the show will feature.

As with anything Star Wars actors and actresses are not allowed to give out much details if any at all. That is unless given permission by the right people. The Book of Boba Fett has fans waiting anxiously.
When Temuera Morrison let the cat out of the bag that the show will feature flashbacks all the way back to The Empire Strikes Back and will lead up to where fans first saw him in Season 2 of The Mandalorian.
While that was a nice wet the appetite boarding juicy detail, it still leaves a lot of questions. The main questions Star Wars fans have is will a flashback show the legendary Bounty Hunter fly out of the Sarlaac Pit in which he fell into in Return of the Jedi.
What fans need to remember about Boba Fett, is that he fell out of love with the Empire after they left him for dead which has been hinted at on The Mandalorian. Much like Darth Maul who fell out of love with the Sith, so much so he ditched the Darth and went by just Maul.
It will be interesting to see what details are in the flashback scenes and just how far they go back. Not to mention how they link together with the present when we first see Fett.

Boba Fett goes on to run a successful Bounty Hunter syndicate which I believe is what was set up when Fett sat on the thrown of Jabba the Hutt. Let’s hope that is how the show goes because then it opens the door for Star Wars characters like Asajj Ventress.