The Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I need to put this out there, The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy has the best cinematography of all the Star Wars films and trilogies. The Last Jedi’s cinematography is nearly breathtaking. But it is also that way in The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker.
Going through The Art of The Last Jedi again and either it was intentional or coincidence that the art inside the book offered a look at some future cinematography. This is hands down my favorite Art of Star Wars book.

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Artist: Kevin Jenkins
Another aspect of The Art of The Last Jedi is some of the art that was not used in the film, did show up in The Rise of Skywalker theatrical release. We will explore that when I look at Star Wars: The Art of The Rise of Skywalker soon.
The Art of The Last Jedi, offers many works that are heavy in red tones as was a theme in the finished film. Using an even balance of lighter and darker tone art, this Art of Star Wars book is nearly as flawless as the cinematography in the film.
There is actually a lot of art that made the final cut unlike other Art of Star Wars books. As noted, some art that did not make the final cut ended up in The Rise of Skywalker, the art in this book is that good they did not toss it away completely.

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Artist: Matthew Savage
Character art seems to show various stages of both the artists work and then after talking to the director a shift in thought, which is really cool to look at. I can not stress enough, no matter what you think of the sequel trilogy The Art of The Last Jedi for the sheer sake of just art is an absolute must have.
Up next, The Art of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.