With Star Wars making a comeback in the eyes of many fans through Disney +’s The Mandalorian and The Bad Batch, fans have been waiting to see what is next from the galaxy far far away. It is now known that The Book of Boba Fett has finished production and is set to start airing Christmas Day 2021. We now know The Mandalorian Season 3 will begin production soon.

Gincarlo Esposito, who plays Moff Gideon on The Mandalorian and has grown into a fan favorite as he hunts down Mando and The Child, recently let it known that Season 3 is set to begin filming soon.
While many die-hard Star Wars fans are indeed chomping at the bit to see The Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian has a huge following and fans are equally as excited for Season 3. As Star Wars is in the midst of all aspects being linked together.
What draws fans to the hit streaming show is the feel of Star Wars that was lacking from the Sequel Trilogy. The Mandalorian came in and in one swoop washed away most of the nervous ticks left from Episodes 7-9.
Throw in the hit streaming show The Bad Batch and Star Wars is riding high again. With the newest Star Wars installs, and the fact that all things Star Wars are being put under one arc fans are happy.
An already ecstatic fan base is not only happy with where the Star Wars franchise is currently but there is also the anticipation of where it is going as new shows and films are in the works.

With The Bad Batch Season 1 coming to an end, fans are now going to focus on The Book of Boba Fett which gets them closer to Season 3 of The Mandalorian.
The Force is strong with Star Wars again!