One manager, one first base coach, one third base coach, one hitting coach, one pitching coach and one bench coach, this how a “normal” baseball coaching staff is supposed to look like. For the Detroit Tigers, manager AJ Hinch he has thrown “normal” aside and put together a coaching staff built to help with the Tigers new organizational direction.

Keith Beauregard; Hitting Coach, Michael Brdar; Hitting Coach, James Rowson; assistant hitting coach. Three hitting coaches! New Tigers president Scott Harris’s vision for the Detroit hitters and pitches is the same, own the strike zone one that AJ Hinch subscribes to as well. Too often in the past the Tigers were a bunch of free swinging few walk taking group of hitters. That is going to come to a halt. Now the focus is owning the strike zone and being more selective at the plate.
While it is currently unknown where two hitting coaches will be during games, due to limited dugout space, one can assume two will be watching from a box or luxury suite. One coach in the thick of things and two coaches watching from above. This can only help Tiger hitters improve at the plate.

Hitting is not the only position AJ Hinch wanted multiple coaches. Pitching now has, Chriss Fetter, Juan Nieves and Robin Lund instructing young pitchers. Again, one can assume Fetter will be in the dugout and both Nieves and Lund will be looking down from above. Once more this can only help as more coaches can spot things one coach may miss.
The organizational switch to owning the strike zone is the right move to make. Scott Harris’s offseason moves, while not spectacular were effective as he got rid of players with a high strikeout rate and few walks and brought in players with good eyes at the plates and who are more selective in what they swing at.
While the Detroit Tigers are retooling once again, this seems to be a very good move for the organization. Scott Harris was instrumental in putting World Series winner’s together for the Chicago Cubs and Los Angeles Dodgers.